Yesterday I received an email from cracker Tony Perkins of the Family Research Council:
On August 16, McCain and Obama will appear separately to discuss what [Rick] Warren describes as "main areas of focus"-AIDS, poverty, human rights and the environment. While the Left would have us believe that this is the faith community's new agenda, a candid discussion of traditional values issues such as life, marriage, and religious freedom is what American voters need and deserve. (my emphases)The FRC is sponsoring a Values Voter Summit in September, and at first glance, have an impressive lineup. Why, it even looks like Barrack Obama will be there!
Ha! Fooled you! He's an invited guest, as are the other luminaries whited out in the photo above.
Who is confirmed to represent, at this event, the traditional values that Tony Perkins holds so dear? For starters, not-gay GaryBauer, gambling addict Bill Bennett, convicted felon Charles Colson, and thrice married Newt Gingrich.
They'll be there, along with others, to tell you what you should care about - the not-born and the not-hetero. The world you live in - with its disease, poverty, human rights abuses, and environmental degradations, you know, leftist issues, are all sloppy seconds to Tony Perkins' sex fantasies.
Values Voter Summit, September 12-14, Washington, DC
1 comment:
I don't know why you continue to insult homophobes. Homophobes are on the front lines in fighting for our freedom.
Senator Tom Coburn said it best, "the gay community has infiltrated the very centers of power in every area across this country," and its "agenda is the greatest threat to our freedom we face today."
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