According to Marvin Olasky's World Magazine,
The Rev. Kirbyjon Caldwell, a Methodist pastor from Texas and longtime supporter of President Bush who has endorsed Obama, said Tuesday he belongs to a group of religious leaders who, working independently of Obama's campaign, launched a Web site to counter Dobson at JamesDobsonDoesntSpeakForMe.com. The site highlights statements from Obama and Dobson and asks visitors to compare them.You may remember Marvin Olasky of World Magazine as the creator of the term "compassionate conservatism." He wrote a really bad book by that name urging the government to give money to faith-based organizations.
Today's headline at World Magazine features the Democratic candidate in Obama to expand Bush's faith based programs.
Hmm..., is that the smell of freshly minted money?
It seems Obama is making real inroads with the Evangelicals, despite Dobson's hissy fit.
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