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Saturday, July 19, 2008

"Gigi" is French for "Lolita," People

English Christian Catherine Hanly found her knickers in a twist over a girl's bedroom set model named Lolita.

Said Christian brayed,
I expect a company like Woolworths to actually know what ['Lolita'] means and the connotations and stuff... [Lolita] has become a name that is synonymous with sexual precocity and the fact that it is tied to a girl's bed - it literally couldn't be worse taste.
Well, where's the outrage over a Christian book series featuring a character names Gigi, marketed to young girls?

Former 700 Club co-host Sheila Walsh has written a book series for girls including "Gigi, God's Little Princess," "The Pink Ballerina," and "The Royal Tea Party." In addition, Walsh tarted up a Bible and labeled it "God's Little Princess Devotional Bible." Here's the product description for the GLP Bible:
Girls long to be loved and adored, and give their heart to their hero. God is that hero! The characteristics focused on in this Bible storybook will help your little girl blossom into the princess she was created to be. Virtues to create beauty such as compassion, sharing, and truth are highlighted in fun and engaging ways. The perfect format for girls to learn about their destiny as a daughter of their King. Features included are: Beauty Secrets, Bible Princesses, My Hero (Scripture promises), Take a Bow (Easy plays that are Bible-focused), I Adore You (Put girls energy to use with songs, scripture and worship), Royal Truths, Down In My Heart (Scripture Memory), Princess Charming, Worthy of Love (Ideas to show how to love her royal subjects: family, siblings, friends and those in the community).

Doesn't Sheila Walsh know about Gigi the musical, directed by Vincente Minnelli in 1958? Gigi features a young girl training to be a high class French prostitute.

Here's the plot, as outlined on Wikipedia:
Madame Alvarez sends Gigi to her Aunt Alicia's to be groomed as a famous grand cocette (courtesan) in their family's tradition, and learn etiquette and charm...

[Gaston Lachaille] visits Gigi later, but she tells him she does not wish to become someone's mistress; she wants more for herself than to be passed between men, only desired until they grow tired of her and she moves on to another.
It's possible that Sheila Walsh is so culturally clueless that she missed this meaning of the name Gigi. Even so, she imbues the name of her character with meanings just as objectionable. Her heroine is self-centered, grasping, entitled and dictatorial, not exactly the characteristics with which you want to saddle a child - Christian, or not.

Sheila Walsh, get a job.

Thanks, Lawyers, Guns and Money

Wikipedia: Gigi

Wikipedia: Sheila Walsh

Sheila | "Inspiring women to fall in love with Jesus.

The Gigi Store selling scepters, ballet set, dolls, T-shirts, stickers, playhouses, and other crap.

CBN: Sheila Walsh: God Matters

Sheila Walsh advises: God answers all my prayers, but the ones relating to money.

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