Today in hate mail:
Just read your "Abortion is not a sin". You have become your own God. Everything you believe is right is based on your feelings rather than a higher standard. If you feel it's ok to have sex outside of marriage...it must be ok. If you feel it's ok to destroy what you have convinced yourself is not a life until it squirts out the birth canal...then it must be ok...basically you are able to justify anything in your own mind. (I believe the Bible speaks to this.) You will not allow yourself to suffer any guilt due to other people's rules, so then...everything is OK...do whatever you feel, it must be truth for you...How come we hear tolerance pushed down our throats except when it comes to anything about Jesus? The fact is there is a black and white truth. There is a distint right and wrong and if we profess to be a Christian, our only real duty is to spread the Gospel of Jesus Christ...to Love the Lord your God with all your heart and to Love your neighbor as yourself. Is this what you're doing? I'm sure this will have no bearing on your thoughts or beliefs, but maybe if no one had illicit sex like monkeys whom cannot control their urge to procreate, we would not ever have an abortion discussion...It ain't married couples ending pregnancies! One day every knee shall bow and every tongue CONFESS that Jesus Christ is Lord and will have to answer for every idle word and deed. Maybe YOU need an open mind...? Is it possible YOU'RE wrong...? Nah...whatever you believe is right...right!?
Jesus died for you. Even you...I'd like you see you try this same rhetoric against the Muslim faith...didn't think so.
I detest all the Abrahamic religions equally. They all suck, especially their orthodox forms.
On married women and abortion:
"In more than half of the countries studied, married women obtain a larger proportion of abortions than unmarried women."
"Married women obtain a substantial proportion of abortions—40% or more in 24 of the 40 countries for which data are available."
"Our only real duty is to spread the Gospel of Jesus Christ."
Yes, yes, we should all infect others with strict rules and laws based on what someone might have said a long time ago.
Damn you Miss P...why won't anyone hate me!
You know, I don't get this very much anymore. I expect things will heat up if we get a Democratic president. The Christians will be all marginalized and petulant, react by damning us all to hell.
I'm not sure what's worse- creating a strawman atheist (I don't know ANY atheist who thinks this way... illicit sex like monkeys?), making bogus statements about who's having abortions and why, or the authority he espouses coming from a collection of books written by bronze age nomads.
This is the part that disturbs me:
"If you feel it's ok to destroy what you have convinced yourself is not a life until it squirts out the birth canal...then it must be ok...basically you are able to justify anything in your own mind."
The level of contempt and disgust for women, children, and the processes of life reveals a depth of ignorance and fear almost troglodyte in nature.
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