Even cracker James Dobson must have thought Stuart Shepard went too far because the video commentary, Pray for Rain, was ripped from the website CitizenLink sometime this week. All you'll find now is "file not found." But the page is cached at Google. The copy reads,
Stuart Shepard is looking for people who will pray for rain -- on a certain day, at a certain time, in a certain location.The location is the Democratic National Convention in Denver, CO, and the certain time is when Obama gives his speech at the end of the Convention.
Shepard prays for
...abundant rain, torrential rain... flood-advisory rain. I'm talking about umbrella-ain't-gonna-help-you rain... swamp-the-intersections rain.Because Jesus is his bitch, see? That's what he thinks of the man who supposedly died to save him from his sins.
Our site takes a somewhat unbalanced view of Brother Dobson. Yours is actually more charitable. Thanks for adding your comment to the blogging universe.
I think the funny thing about all of this is that it's either going to rain, or it isn't. Praying for it won't do anything, and advertising a plea for prayer ends up looking mean and spiteful- not the message Stuart might want to send.
And that IS funny Hah hah.
Thanks for the post!
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