Representative Pete Sessions (R-Tex) is a recipient of the True Blue award from the Family Research Council and Focus on the Family. The True Blue award is awarded to "...Members of Congress who have exhibited extraordinary leadership and commitment to the defense of family, faith, and freedom," according to Tony Perkins of FRCAction.org.
You may remember Sessions for his condemnation of Janet Jackson and Justin Timberlake. Sessions claimed the duo forced "their liberal values upon the rest of the country," after Jackson's nipple slip during the 2004 Super Bowl halftime show.
Last year Pete Sessions, paragon of virtue, held a fundraising event at a Las Vegas burlesque club, The Forty Deuce. While there is no complete nudity at the club the acts cannot be called "family friendly" by any stretch of the imagination, as you can see from the photo above,.
- Washington Post | GOP Rep. Sessions' Defends His Burlesque Fundraiser
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