There's no reason for old people to either get, or remain, married. They can't have children. All they are doing is indulging their venal lusts (eww! ick!) They parade their relationships around, flaunting their lifestyles, grossing out their grandchildren with their deep gum kisses and fumbling fondling.
Normal humans are naturally repulsed by the idea of old people having sex. Sure, they pretend to be like us. They dye their hair, have surgery to tighten their flesh, and take drugs to get and stay hard, or moist. I'm sorry, people, to have to be so graphic, but it's true. Old people can only support the pretense of marriage by taking drugs. These sham marriages support and sustain a drug culture, and they want this paid for with YOUR tax dollars.
Protect marriage by supporting the "No On Gray Marriage" campaign today.
This post is awesome toast, buttered on both sides with awesome!
thanks a bunch!
My mouth. I just threw up in it a little bit.
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