Mullins wrote in this blog,
It is time that religious believers began to recommend specific utilitarian discouragements of homosexual practices after the style of warnings on cigarette packets: Let us make it obligatory for homosexuals to have their backsides tattooed with the slogan SODOMY CAN SERIOUSLY DAMAGE YOUR HEALTH and their chins with FELLATIO KILLS. In addition the obscene "gay pride" parades and carnivals should be banned for they give rise to passive corruption, comparable to passive smoking. Young people forced to witness these excrescences are corrupted by them.Mullen's explained his post saying,
I wrote some satirical things on my blog and anybody with an ounce of sense of humour or any understanding of the tradition of English satire would immediately assume that they're light-hearted jokes. I certainly have nothing against homosexuals. Many of my dear friends have been and are of that persuasion. What I have got against them is the militant preaching of homosexuality. [my emphases]Mullen's lurid imagination, limited as it is to anal sex, does not have the capacity for anything as sophisticated as satire. Homosexuality is not limited to males. Indeed some women are sexually attracted to other women, and even among men, homosexuality is expressed in a panoply of sexual play. The zenith of homosexual expression is not, as Mullens would have us believe, anal sex.
Read the entire post by clicking more. Negotiations with diocesan officials required the removal of his blog which is still cached at Google.
- Guardian.UK | Vicar could be disciplined for blog slurs against gays and Muslims
- J-Walkblog | Warning Tattoos For Gays
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