McCain wants you to be able to choose your own doctor, because we have too much government.
MCCAIN: I want to leave money in your pocket. I want you to be able to choose the health care for you and your family. That's what I'm all about. And we've got too much government and too much spending and the government is -- the size of government has grown by 40 percent in the last eight years.But if you're a woman, too much government wants to step in between you and the doctor you choose to be sure your concern for your health is not extreme.
MCCAIN: Just again, the example of the eloquence of Senator Obama. He's health for the mother. You know, that's been stretched by the pro-abortion movement in America to mean almost anything.McCain punctuated his comments by making air quotes when he said "health of the mother."
That's the extreme pro-abortion position, quote, "health."
- HuffingtonPost | McCain Mockingly Suggests That Concerns For A Mother's Health Are Extreme
- WomensENews.com | Late-Term Abortion Saved These Women's Lives
- LA Times | Debate Transcripts
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