The Family Research Council announced today in an email alert that McDonald's Straightens Up and Fries Right!. Touché, FRC, touché!! Yes, the boycott is over. McDonald's has resigned from the Gay and Lesbian Chamber of Commerce. The FRC quoted McDonald's.
It is our policy not to be involved in political and social issues. McDonald's remains neutral on same-sex marriage [and the] 'homosexual agenda...'The unedited quote reads,
It is our policy to not be involved in political and social issues. McDonald's remains neutral on same-sex marriage or any 'homosexual agenda' as defined by the American Family Association.Boycotting McDonald's was a painful committment to many Christians, as a sampling of their comments reveal.
Oh, how my heart is breaking for your decision to support that which the Lord God frowns on.Their sacrifices were not for naught. As it says in the Good Book, "Cast your buns upon the water and they shall return to you after many days." [my paraphrase]
Our family will also discontinue picking up breakfast at McDonalds on the way to church!
We will no longer visit the ole' McD's. Ronald McDonald must be turning over in his grave.
Until you shift into neutral, I'm staying in reverse to McDonalds and going forward to other places that support good Christian and moral values.
I'm sorry McDonalds has taken this position. It will be very inconvenient for my wife and I to find another place to eat in the very short time we have between daily Mass and choir practice on Wednesday evenings, but we will have to do so.
I read all of the comments below & that is positively my sediment!!
McDonald I am a regular customer in your store but I will not be eating in your store any more because of your open support of gay. I am a christianand God says they are an Abolition and God will deal with them.
McDonalds no more! You want to support those who choose to abominate our Lord, You will not see me at McDonalds again until you reconsider your position and even then I don't think I'll come back as I still don't trust Ford either.
I wanted to leave a comment, but there is no way to type a comment in.
One of my earliest memories is stopping by McDonalds for hamburgers and french fries with my family. How unfortunate that I will be unable to continue that custom with my grandchildren.
I don't suppose it would do any good to call for the left to boycott McDonald's now, would it?
- Adult Christianity | Christers Boycott McDonald's
- Chicago Sun Times | McDonald's cuts off gay chamber of commerce group
Soggy buns for all concerned. :(
This is a great site - please keep up the good work!!!
Thanks a bunch. Tell your friends.
Miss P
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