The rabidly anti-gay, anti-choice Campaign for Children and Families posted a news release protesting Governor Schwarzenegger signing into law AB 3015, which requires foster parents to treat their gay, lesbian, bisexual and transgendered foster children with respect, and to offer the same protections afforded their heterosexual counterparts. They wail,
Under the new law, morally-minded foster parents will be trained to teach children in their homes what they themselves believe is a lie. In addition, the bill author says AB 3015 will "ensure that foster youth and their caregivers are knowledgeable about how to report" foster parents and public school teachers who cannot and will not support homosexuality, bisexuality or transsexuality. In other words, under AB 3015, positive and healthy pro-family values on sexual behavior and believing in natural gender can be reported as "harassment."Excuse me, but foster parents and paid to foster CHILDREN not their religious beliefs or tender feelings. If you cannot foster CHILDREN then do not become a foster PARENT.
If you want to foster your hatred toward your gay, lesbian, bisexual, and transgendered brethren, GO TO CHURCH!
- What AB 3015 Really Does | AB 3015 | Foster Youth School Safety Education
While it's obvious from virtually all your posts that "rabid hatred" applies to your attitude toward Christians as well as the other way around, you've spoken some powerful truth here this morning.
We've been foster parents for decades and for kids who come into care, what they need the most is love. They need acceptance, and comfort and safety. By and large they've never known it, seen it, felt it, experienced it. "Tragic" hardly begins to explain the beginning to life that these individuals have experienced.
The shot about going to Church to find hatred etc. was pretty ignorant, in the fullest sense of the word, but for an atheist :-)
this was a pretty good post.
I really appreciate your attitude about being a foster parent. Thank you for your comment.
My husband and I were foster parents for special needs children and were shocked by the attitudes and ignorance of other foster parents that we met (of ALL stripes).
I'm SO happy to see an additional protection for children in the system. If only biological parents were also trained in child care.
Mmm, those foster parent meetings are kinda scary aren't they? It's too bad that many people who could provide "good" homes don't understand the desperate need for foster care. I'm impressed that you were able to do special needs. Challenge upon challenge. I told my wife that we had to stop fostering because we we wound up adopting too many of them :-)
Anyhow, good luck on your journey.
Marge Simpson once said, "Sometimes one person really CAN make a difference, but most of the time they probably shouldn't."
I was reminded of that in my foster care classes.
You and I might not agree on many things, but at least we put our money where our mouth is.
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