Then on to the subject of Barack Obama: his voting record, vision for the future, his heritage, the smear campaign aka inconvenient truths regarding the questions the American people have asked on his Muslim, socialism and black liberation theology ties. Those "pesky" friends that keep popping up, his character, his attempts to silence the critics, the eerie similarities to Adolf Hitler, his spirituality, the adoration from celebrities, media and the world and the phenomenon of his "messiah-like" qualities.Read the entire press release for a glimpse into the dark heart of Christian paranoia.
- ChristianNewsWire.com | Day of Perdition: We Almost Stopped Him... New Book on Barack Obama
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So, the video is one of those brainwashing things? Where they strap you into a chair, tape your eyes open, and turn you into some kind of nutjob neo-con (sorry, redundant, I know)?
He's obviously the Antichrist, and I, along with many other unenlightened souls are going to vote him into power. Yay us.
Or Kaelyn is nuttier than my pecan tree.
Why THAT ONE even wants to be president over this country of knuckle dragging crackers is beyond me, but I'm glad he does and I'm voting for him.
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