Christian pop culture through the eyes of a radical housewife and part time atheist, Miss Poppy Hussein Dixon. Online since 1995. Stop by every day for the latest in Christian crime, intimidation, fraud, and foolishness.

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Monday, September 8, 2008

Katy Perry-phrased by Bible Banger

katy perry rewrite

we like katy perryThe Havens Corners Church, in Blacklick, Ohio, dedicated to "Finding and Feeding His Sheep," rewrote a Katy Perry song for their marquee,
I kissed a girl and I like it, then I went to Hell.
The original song does not include the line, "then I went to Hell."

A sermon titled A Loving Warning Explained can be heard on the church's website. It gets interesting at about 37 minutes, I'm told.


spajadigit said...

I guess they're just lovingly smug certain in the knowledge of where they think she's going to spend her eternity.

What a thoughtful character to offer a stern warning wrapped in rainbows and ribbons.


Miss Poppy Dixon said...

I listened to about 10 minutes of the sermon. He was rushing through it so he could get the congregation home in time for football on TV.

What a reeking slush of hogwash!