April 17, 2009 is the
National Day of Silence, which
brings attention to anti-LGBT name-calling, bullying and harassment in schools. Most of the school children involved plan to remain quiet during the day, or even just between classes or during breaks - not exactly a disruptive protest.
Donald Wildmon, of the American Family Association of Tupelo, Mississippi, sees it differently. In his
Action Alert he writes,
...call your local school and ascertain whether they officially or passively allow students to observe "Day of Silence."
In other words, will your child's school allow students to not talk throughout the day? Wildmon continues,
Schools do not have to tolerate students remaining silent in class.
Say what? How are you going to force students to talk in class?
The issue of anti-LGBT bullying came home to me this week. Last Tuesday
my 13-year-old son, who is gay and out, received a verbal death threat from another student in his science class. The student's parents were called in twice and the student was suspended. The school did not, however, contact us until Friday morning.
This is one of those things that, when you hear it, is like getting slapped. As the school official was talking to me I was numb, I couldn't believe what I was hearing. But over the course of the day the enormity of the event began to sink in.
A hate email was sent to my son last night.
What the FUCK is going on?
What kind of parents teach their children to threaten another child with death? Donald Wildmon's Christian parents? And
MY child is involved in a what Wildmon calls a
...sinful, unnatural and destructive behavior[?]
What's more sinful, unnatural and destructive than a little Christian boy being taught to murder another boy?
It's more and more difficult for me to write about religion - about how wacky and weird these people are. They are not.
They are dangerous and deluded and un-American. And the "good" Christians - those who profess God but also support gays and women - they create an atmosphere where the dangerous behavior of the Bible banging Christians can find purchase. Without the "good" Christians the rest would be left to twist in the wind - the danger of their thoughts and actions stripped bare for all to see and condemn.
More and more I am convinced that the only way to honor any god is to deny him/her. No God would countenance this hateful behavior and would prefer not to be worshipped at all to having his/her nature perverted as it is throughout the world today.