For $5.49 you can order a WhooshKlinx (TM), with accessories (see bottom right of image above). When you are raptured your WhooshKlinx (TM) will be left behind. Those who find it will be pointed to a Bible verse explaining why all the Christians are gone. The site claims that "each tag is embossed with a unique serial number," though it does not say why.
Please honor the trademark WhooshKlinx. Obviously a lot of thought went into the name. If you must stand on the shoulder of this giant, the trade names WhooshKlinks, WhooshClinks, and WoopsKinks, may still be available.
Only $3.99?? Wow, I bet real Christians would pay $19.99 for those!
I think the name "WhooshKlinx" is totally inspired.
Why do you think that?
They could use some work on their site if they want anyone to be able to read it - what's with the overlapping text?? It looks like their CSS has gone to HTML.
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