As Christians, I know part of our calling is to push back the culture. It's not to open the door and welcome Frosty and his secular Christmas buddies onto the stage for our Christmas Eve service. I don't have much against such characters as long as we see them in their proper secular perspective, but I sure don't want to see them in place of Jesus at church.Great! I agree. Keep Jesus and your nativity scenes and prayers in the church where they belong, and all the secular characters in public. Otherwise, StFU! It's not a one-way street.
While researching Ms. Roach I found this crass example of what she considers a creative and proper Baptist response to culture - a mass baptism and tailgate party in their church parking lot.
People brought their RVs and set up tents. There were televisions going with people watching football games before the baptism service started. People brought grills and they were making food for themselves and sharing with others. It was pretty fun.

- BaptistPress | It's about Jesus, not Frosty
- BaptistCourier | 562 baptized in Anderson church parking lot