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Thursday, December 11, 2008

Torture Playlist

pat booneToday at Joe.My.God. I learned there is a playlist used by the U.S. military when torturing detainees. The first song listed is "Enter Sandman," by Metallica, and I remembered that I'd recently seen that on another playlist - Pat Boone's In a Metal Mood, to which I referred earlier in the week. So I thought I'd give another plug to this album that I long ago enjoyed (before it was nicked). Here's a review from Amazon.
Warning: Pat Boone's "In a Metal Mood" is funnier than "Spinal Tap." Metallica, Judas Priest, and other metal greats are slain on the altar of Lawrence Welk. It's the album Ed Wood might have done.
The album is often compared to Golden Throats.

It will be a great day when America makes a committment to stop torture.

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