Rev. Dr. (Theology) Gary Cass is vexed that President elect Obama has chosen openly gay Episcopal bishop
Gene Robinson (pictured left) to offer a prayer at his inaugeration. Cass is warning,
Don't let your children watch!Now, I have to admit that I got my panties in a twist when I heard that
openly homo-hating Pastor Rick Warren, author of the bestselling
Purpose Driven Life, was slated by Obama to offer the inaugural invocation. But Obama is a smart guy and it was pointed out to me by cooler heads that by accepting Obama's invitation Warren and his hateful ideas were exposed to the full light of day. Warren, knowing exactly what side his bread is buttered on, HAS backed down somewhat, removing from his website a statement disallowing gays from membership in his church.
Warren has even praised Obama's decision to include Robinson in the inauguration - an act that is pure garlic to the true Christians Rev. Dr. Gary Cass represents.
Robinson did not have to compromise his perverted principles to get invited, but Warren felt compelled to issue a statement praising Obama for selecting Robinson.
Robinson does not have a lucrative franchise with the U.S. Government, as does Warren, so could maintain his integrity. According to
Warren's website,
Military personnel serving in every corner of the globe are finding similar hope and purpose through The Purpose Driven Life. Thanks to generous people like you, more than 310,000 men and women in uniform have discovered their Creator's purpose for them. With your help, we'd like to see every service person receive a copy of the book.
Warren's book is central to the Air Force's presentation,
A New Approach To Suicide Prevention: Developing Purpose-Driven Airmen. I doubt the Air Force references Warren's material free of charge.
In an I-know-you-are-but-what-am-I? tone, Rev. Dr. Gary Cass calls Obama's inaugeration
The Flamboyant Homosexual Inaugural, and suggests Obama should be called the
President of Sodomy & Compromise.
Cass cynically patterns his organization after the
ALD, the Anti-Defamation League, which seeks "to stop the defamation of the Jewish people... to secure justice and fair treatment to all." Unfortunately the name
Christian Anti-Defamation LEAGUE was already taken by Cass's mentor and Christian Anti-Defamation COMMISSION co-founder William S. Hollis.
Though from the San Diego, CA area, Cass cut his teeth with Dr. D. James Kennedy of
Coral Ridge Ministries in Fort Lauderdale, Florida, near Miami. I mention this because I believe that white Christian ministries such as the CADC have their roots in the
White Citizens' Councils of the South, which were a sort of "thinking man's" Ku Klux Klan. Remember, it was not only the blacks that were the targets of these groups. They also rallied against other people of color, Jews, Catholics, organized labor and anyone who sympathized with any of these, which included many whites. Bayard Rustin wrote in "New South...Old Politics," in 1956,
The forces behind the Councils have thrived by keeping white workers poor and Negro workers poorer, and, as in the past, their prime device against any strong union of laborers is to fan the flames of religious and racial intolerance.
Organizations like the CADC are careful to not appear overtly racist, limiting their strongest disapprobation for women and gays and those who love them. But they cannot help but tip their hand, as noted in the end of Cass's post,
Obama ought to have a stripper lead off the inaugural parade followed by the Hell's Angel's (sic) Motorcycle Drill Team followed by the Crips Precision Handgun Corp. and the Transvestite Fashion Police.
Rev. Dr. Gary Cass caters to the worst stereotypes: women are strippers, blacks are criminals, and gays are only concerned with fashion.
Oh, and BTW, Rev. Dr. Gary Cass would still like you
rent his home.