Christian pop culture through the eyes of a radical housewife and part time atheist, Miss Poppy Hussein Dixon. Online since 1995. Stop by every day for the latest in Christian crime, intimidation, fraud, and foolishness.

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Thursday, December 24, 2009

Christians, no longer constipated

xmas movement

Christian fail.

Their excuse.
We have figured a way to enhance the tradition of decorating a tree for Jesus at Christmas by adding a cross that acts as a reminder of Him. By changing our tree to include a cross, we are making a statement that we want to keep our Christmas holiday! Our new tree and decorations ideas will not only help to enhance our celebration of the Christmas holiday but will help to enlighten those who may decorate for Christmas but may not be "Christians."
Merry Xmas, Everyone!

Thanks, J-Walk

Friday, December 18, 2009

Nick Cave | Two Lectures

nick cave two lectures

Former choir boy Nick Cave explores his interest in Christianity. The two lectures include:

The Secret Life of the Love Song
The Flesh Made Word

Worth a listen.

Tuesday, December 15, 2009

Then they came for the right wing talk show hosts

hive mind

There's a new movie for all you eco-friendly, diversity-addled, liberal, intellectual elites out there. It's called Hive Mind, created by Ladd Ehlinger, Jr., who previously worked as a "military multimedia artist." Let's let the auteur describe the concept behind the film.
When our own President is constantly saying 'we must all think collectively,' naturally as a filmmaker I thought: scifi-horror film! Eco-friendly nudist Borg-like zombies! Cross-bred with Paris Hilton and Tila Tequila! Because really, who wouldn't?
Dang, he's on to Obama. Right, it's because all democrats and liberals think alike that all of Obama's ideas for change are sliding through Congress like shit through a goose. A naked goose! RRrrrooww!

A ChristianNewsWire review encapsulates the plot.
Zombies created by a cell phone that you swallow, that merges with your brain. Dubbed the "I-Mind," the phone lets you Twitter telepathically, download movies straight to your brain, and keep your contacts forever. Britney, J-Lo, Pamela and Paris all love their I-Minds. But there's a sinister side-effect: loss of free will to the collective Hive consciousness. Everyone is either assimilated or killed in Hive's eco-friendly efforts to reduce the population.
Oh, where is the hope? Who will save us from this silly plot?

Ehlinger describes his hero.
The lone hold-out is Doug Trench, conservative talk-show host and stevedore of freedom. He's lived in a bunker for twenty years, ever since humanity was consumed by the collective.
"Stevedore of freedom"? I had to look that up. A stevedore is "a person whose job is moving goods on and off ships", basically a longshoreman. I don't get it. I guess I'll have to rent the movie, because Ehlinger is bypassing the traditional distribution to theaters to put this important film directly into the hands of his fans. In other words, straight to DVD.

Monday, December 14, 2009

Uh..., can I have a center piece?

christmas cake

Over at Debbie's Cakes is a very special Christmas cake she designed. In her own words,
Happy Birthday Jesus

I was ask to do a baby Jesus birthday cake. The design was up to me. My husband came up the the crown of thorns idea. To make the crown, I weaved rolls of fondant around a ring of rolled up of wax paper. Then before the fondant dried, I cut the crown into two sections. This allowed for easy removal of the paper without breaking the crown into pieces. After the fondant dried (several days), I "welded" (with royal icing) the rolls together in various places to keep them together when the paper was removed. Then after that dried, I removed the wax paper.

The thorns are made with royal icing and also attached with royal icing. The tips of the thorns are dabbed with red royal icing. The cake is red velvet with cream cheese icing.
Red velvet - signifying the oh-so-yummy blood of the lamb. Happy birthday, Jesus, indeed!