Christian pop culture through the eyes of a radical housewife and part time atheist, Miss Poppy Hussein Dixon. Online since 1995. Stop by every day for the latest in Christian crime, intimidation, fraud, and foolishness.

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Tuesday, May 19, 2009

Sorry, Tennessee, no antichrist for you

tennessee cracker

Ed Hindson, a self-styled expert in end times theology, met with the likeminded last weekend to discuss the antichrist. Though he does not know who it is, he knows who it is not - definitely no liberals, like Nero, Charlemagne, Napoleon, Hitler, Stalin, Kennedy, or Khrushchev. Then he added one more:
I've heard people say it's Al Gore - trust me, nobody from Tennessee is going to conquer the world.
Hindson was emphatic that Obama is NOT the antichrist. He added that Obama was a kind of valet to the antichrist.

Why not a cook, or chauffeur? Jeez, how racist! | Obama not antichrist
Thanks, J-Walk

Monday, May 18, 2009

GQ Releases Rumsfeld's Bible-banging Report Covers

donald rumsfeld

Remember when our foot-in-mouth president, George Bush, called the war in Iraq a "crusade"? It seems that Defense Secretary Donald Rumsfeld played on Bush's delusions by juxtaposing Bible verses with images of war.

Donald Rumsfeld's top-secret briefings for President Bush, known as the Worldwide Intelligence Update,
was a daily digest of critical military intelligence so classified that it circulated among only a handful of Pentagon leaders and the president; Rumsfeld himself often delivered it, by hand, to the White House. The briefing's cover sheet generally featured triumphant, color images from the previous days' war efforts... (a)nd above these images, and just below the headline secretary of defense, was a quote that may have raised some eyebrows. It came from the Bible, from the book of Psalms: Behold, the eye of the Lord is on those who fear Him... To deliver their soul from death.
This is part and parcel dominionist theory, that "society should be governed exclusively by the law of God as codified in the Bible."

- | Onward Christian Soldiers, the slideshow
- | An He Shall Be Judged, the story

Wednesday, May 13, 2009

Don't Persecute Me Because of My Faith

prejean liar

According to TMZ these photos were taken last year when "biblically correct" Carrie Prejean (aka Miss California) was 20.

Apparently she forgot about these as she'd told reporters the previous set of photos were the only (semi)nude photos of her in existence.

Or else she's a liar and a fraud.

Miss Prejean has complained that people are persecuting her because of her faith and her stand against gay marriage.

Thanks, Joe.My.God

Friday, May 8, 2009

Anti-gay Thought and Children

One of the worst things about the anti-gay movement is the sexualizing of human beings, and especially of children. Heterosexuality is accepted as the norm, homosexuality as a sexual perversion. The "sexual" in "homosexual" is emphasized, understood as activity, whereas in "heterosexual" it's the "hetero" that is emphasized and the "sexual" is waived. Heterosexual children are not viewed by default as sexual beings.

When a person, or a child, comes out as homosexual they are automatically categorized, by those infected with anti-gay thought, as a person characterized by sexual activity. They are viewed in a lascivious light, as might someone working as a pole dancer or Catholic priest.

This is especially harmful with children. Viewing an LGBT child as someone who has crossed over into imagined sexual activity allows some adults to withdraw their respect and protection from that child. This is something I have become acutely aware of as my own 13-year-old son has come out at his middle school.

Many well meaning adults charged with my child's protection look at me through a fog of incomprehension, not understanding why they cannot allow children to be called "faggot" in their classroom, or why they have to report each and every incidence of violence. It's as if they were saying to me, "But your child is gay!"

My son does not have a boyfriend, nor does he want one. He is not there yet. He is a child. He understands that his desire is for his own gender, just as some little girls understand that when they grow up they want to marry someone just like daddy. Coming out as gay, for my son, was not an invitation to be treated like someone "asking for it".

The religious right and social conservatives are making a grave error that may cause the marginalization of their organizations for decades to come. Stripped of their political power and moral authority, all that's left, all the world sees, is the perversion of their ideas - LGBT children as sexualized beings rather than human beings, and the smallness, meanness and cruelty that they preach.

Viewing LGBT children as sexualized beings instead of human beings requires the willing (though perhaps unconcious) act of recategorizing a human being, or human child, as a sexual object. This places the child at risk of being abused by other children and adults for whom the usual social boundaries no longer apply.

If we are talking about sin, recategorizing a human child as a sexual object is a SIN.

Tuesday, May 5, 2009

Carrie Prejean | Pretty in Pink

dirty carrie prejean

"...behold, ye have sinned against the LORD: and be sure your sin will find you out."
Numbers 32:23 (King James Version)

Semi-nude photos of Carrie Prejean, aka Miss California, have surfaced. Miss Prejean who is a born again Christian and anti-gay marriage activist, claims the photos were taken when she was a teenager.

Prejean claims the release of the photos was meant to mock her Christian faith. She called the release an attack, intolerant and offensive.

In the photos Prejean is wearing only a pair of pink panties, and her arm covers her nipple. The bottom of her breast is exposed.

US Forces "hunt people for Jesus"

"...may well be in violation of U.S. Constitution, their professional codes, and regulations in place for all forces in Afghanistan."

They get around it by calling the Bibles they pass out "gifts."

UPDATE: Since the release of the video the chaplains have destroyed the Bibles.

- James Bays, AlJazeera English

Blessed Virgin Mary appears on greasy griddle

The Blessed Virgin Mary is appearing at the Las Palmas restaurant in Calexico. She's assumed the form of the Virgin of Guadalupe in a stain on the griddle. The miracle has been attracting many visitors including the two Lucha Libre stars - Renegado and Mr. Tempest - above. Mr. Tempest told reporters,
I follow Our Lady of Guadalupe. This is amazing. It's a true miracle.
The griddle has been replaced and is now on display.